Life History in Qualitative Research: the case of Beatriz


Ana Paula Ribeiro Alves (ed)
Nilson Rogério Silva (ed)
Unesp - Campus de Marília

Palabras clave:

Estigma (Psicologia social), Cegueira, Educação especial, Identidade (Conceito filosófico), Ciência – Metodologia, Pesquisa qualitativa


In this book, the reader will become familiar with the step-by-step method for using the Life History method in qualitative research. In a clear and objective way, the authors expose practical examples of each instrument that makes up the method and beyond, the analysis that best corresponds to this type of collection and the final format of the text edited in thesis, dissertation, etc. Taking into consideration the questions that emerge at the time of collecting, analysing and writing the life history and noting the scarcity of literature in the area, this is a guide that brings together all the stages and mishaps that the future researcher may encounter in the process.

Auxílio Nº 0039/2022
Processo Nº 23038.001838/2022-11

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Biografía del autor/a

Ana Paula Ribeiro Alves

Holds a degree in Pedagogy from Paulista University- UNIP (2015). Specialist in Neuropedagogy in Education from the Faculty of Technology of the Ivaí Valley - FATEC (2015). Master in Education from the Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo (2018). Doctor in Education from the Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo (2022). She participates in the Study and Research Group on Work, Health and Disability - Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo. Currently, she is a teacher at the Assis Municipal Education Network, São Paulo.  

Nilson Rogério Silva, Unesp - Campus de Marília

Holds a degree in Occupational Therapy from the Federal University of São Carlos, a master's degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos, a doctorate in Special Education from the Federal University of São Carlos. Post-Doctorate from the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo - USP. Associate Professor with the Occupational Therapy Course at Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo.  Associate Teacher in Occupational Therapy in Worker's Health, works in the areas of Worker's Health and Professional Rehabilitation in the following themes: occupational therapy, special education, ergonomics, occupational health, worker's health and prevention. Teacher of the Postgraduate Program in Education at Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo, Line Special Education. Coordinates the Research Group Work, Health and Disability at Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo. Participates in the Study and Research Group on Applied Behavior Analysis and Social Skills - GEPEACAHS of the Paulista State University – Unesp in the city of Bauru, São Paulo and Studies in Occupational Therapy: Occupation, Physi-cal Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology and Functionality - Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar.


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September 15, 2023


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