Life History in Qualitative Research: the case of Beatriz


Ana Paula Ribeiro Alves (ed)
Nilson Rogério Silva (ed)
Unesp - Campus de Marília


Estigma (Psicologia social), Cegueira, Educação especial, Identidade (Conceito filosófico), Ciência – Metodologia, Pesquisa qualitativa


 Already in the master's study, completed in 2018 (ALVES, 2018), the Life History method aroused great interest and, in fact, it was the methodological path chosen and followed with some difficulties, but also with rich learning experiences. The Life History method carried out at the time with two participants with intellectual disabilities underwent methodological adjustments that considered their specificities and was inspired by Rosana Glat who, in 1989, used it with women with intellectual disabilities who elaborated on their lives at a time when it was not common to hear their voices (GLAT, 2009). Since then, the interest in the method has not decreased, rather, it has increased to the extent that the knowledge about other authors who have used it in different ways has also evolved, highlighting among them, Anabel Moriña (MORIÑA, 2016).

Life History is a method with the necessary depth to understand human conflicts, especially those that are silenced and remain at the margins of society. However, the richness of this method and the diversity of instruments that can be used to compose the life history is little known, which generates doubts about its performance, validity and scientificity. In view of this concern, still at the beginning of the doctoral course I attended the discipline entitled “TOPICOS ESPECIALES: Investigar con historias de vida en estudios con personas con colectivos vulnerable” taught by Professor Anabel Moriña, from Spain, which took place at UNESP/Marília in the second semester of 2019.

Anabel has experience and extensive knowledge about the different possibilities of the method. Her publications published in Spain, where she lives, in the field of Special Education became a reference for this study, opening new paths and a new look for use in the collection for her doctorate, originating the text that gave life to this book, whose aim is to help researchers who want to appropriate and deepen their knowledge through listening to human life stories.

Based on this assumption, what we propose in this study is one of the different ways of researching with this method beyond the standard widespread model, with diversified instruments detailed herein. First, a brief presentation of the Life History method in qualitative research is necessary, as it is a promising field of application.



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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Ribeiro Alves

Holds a degree in Pedagogy from Paulista University- UNIP (2015). Specialist in Neuropedagogy in Education from the Faculty of Technology of the Ivaí Valley - FATEC (2015). Master in Education from the Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo (2018). Doctor in Education from the Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo (2022). She participates in the Study and Research Group on Work, Health and Disability - Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo. Currently, she is a teacher at the Assis Municipal Education Network, São Paulo.  

Nilson Rogério Silva, Unesp - Campus de Marília

Holds a degree in Occupational Therapy from the Federal University of São Carlos, a master's degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos, a doctorate in Special Education from the Federal University of São Carlos. Post-Doctorate from the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo - USP. Associate Professor with the Occupational Therapy Course at Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo.  Associate Teacher in Occupational Therapy in Worker's Health, works in the areas of Worker's Health and Professional Rehabilitation in the following themes: occupational therapy, special education, ergonomics, occupational health, worker's health and prevention. Teacher of the Postgraduate Program in Education at Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo, Line Special Education. Coordinates the Research Group Work, Health and Disability at Paulista State University – Unesp, in the city of Marília, São Paulo. Participates in the Study and Research Group on Applied Behavior Analysis and Social Skills - GEPEACAHS of the Paulista State University – Unesp in the city of Bauru, São Paulo and Studies in Occupational Therapy: Occupation, Physi-cal Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology and Functionality - Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar.


ALVES, A.P.R. O trabalho na promoção do desenvolvimento humano a partir da percepção da pessoa com deficiência intelectual. Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação Universidade Estadual “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”- UNESP. Marília, 2018.

AUGRAS, M. Prefácio. In: GLAT, R. Somos iguais a vocês: depoimentos de mulheres com deficiência mental. Rio de Janeiro: ED. 7 Letras, 2009.

BOLIVAR, A.; DOMINGO, J. La investigación biográfica y narrativa em Iberoamérica: Campos de desarrollo y estado actual. Fórun: Qualitative Social Research. Volumen 7, No. 4, Art. 12, Septiembre, 2006.

GLAT, R. Somos iguais a vocês: depoimentos de mulheres com deficiência mental. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2009.

GOFFMAN, E. Estigma: notas sobre a manipulação da identidade deteriorada. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2008.

MORIÑA, A. Investigar com histórias de vida: metodologia biográfico- narrativa. NARCEA, S. A. DE Ediciones, Madrid, 2017.

____________. La experiencia universitária de los estudiantes com discapacidad a través de sus historias de vida. Editora ANABEL MORIÑA DÍEZ, 2016.

____________. Using life history with students with disabilities: researching with, rather than researching on. Educational Review, DOI: 10.1080/0013 1911, 2018.

PUJADAS, J.J. El método biográfico y los géneros de la memoria. Revista de Antropologia Social, 2000, 9:127-158.



September 15, 2023

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