A atividade de estudo e o desenvolvimento da escrita autoral de estudantes escolares


Érika Christina Kohle (ed)


Educação – Marília (SP), Ensino fundamental, Comunicação oral, Escrita


The book was approved following an opinion issued by an ad hoc doctoral professor and receives support from the
Grant No. 0798/2018, Process No. 23038.000985/2018-89, PROEX/CAPES Program, PPGE Call
N.02/2021. It brings together results of research developed within the scope of the Postgraduate Program in
Education (PPGE) of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences (FFC), UNESP, Marília Campus, which
address possibilities of aiding the development of authorial capacity for children in situations
of appropriation and objectification of utterance genres through study activity. The public-
The target of the research was children in the Early Years of Elementary School - third, fourth and fifth years -
of the project to recover and reinforce a school in the state education network in the city of Marília – SP.
In this way, guided by the search for solving the research problem – It is possible to create conditions
so that children develop authorial skills in creating statements through activity
of study? -, they were proposed to create utterance genres through the implementation of a
didactic-formative experiment for subsequent analysis of this historical-dialectic materialist process. To the
propositions of this investigation were based on the theoretical references of Historical-Cultural Theory, which
provided the basis for understanding the process of developing authorial capabilities,
as well as in the studies of Bakhtin and Volochínov, which provided a dialogical and dynamic vision of
verbal language organized into utterance genres, and, consequently, offered elements
for teaching acts of writing inserted in situations of creating statements with a social function.
With the research it was found that from the discovery of the concept of a genre of the utterance, for
Through study activity, children not only develop their authorial skills, but
they are also motivated to write when they understand real situations of verbal creation –
addressed to the other, and, consequently, appropriate this scientific knowledge and the
objective in their own written verbal creations.



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December 21, 2023

Details about the available publication format: E-book


Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)


Physical Dimensions

Details about the available publication format: Impresso


Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)


Physical Dimensions