Agribusiness, Development and 2030 Agenda: interdisciplinary contributions: contribuições interdisciplinares
Agronegócio, Trabalhadores rurais, Inovações agrícolas, Desenvolvimento sustentável, Segurança alimentar, Educação ambiental, Agenda 2030Synopsis
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Postgraduate Program in Agribusiness and Development, this work was prepared with the aim of bringing together results of research carried out by teachers, students and graduates of the program, giving visibility to the work and initiatives carried out in recent years. The guiding thread of this work was delimited into three large parts, each containing a set of chapters addressing themes that converge on common issues.
The first thematic part is composed by four initial chapters and seeks to represent the three most important pillars in the current economic development debate: social, environment and governance actions. In the context of this work, the first pillar – social – is represented by chapters that address aspects of work and people management in agribusiness, addressing issues about job satisfaction, culture and organizational climate in rural properties and companies. The aspects related to the second pillar are directly linked to the social, since it is in the environment that people carry out their professional and daily activities. When seeking environmental sustainability linked to social development, it is essential that there is a balance between people's needs and environmental assets, and in this sense, chapters deal with water issues and environmental preservation, elements that generate great debates mainly in the context of agricultural production. And there is also a third pillar that is part of this dynamic, represented by the organizations’ governance actions. Decisions and strategies increasingly demand transparency, professionalization and compliance, and in this sense the first part of this work ends with a chapter that deals with governance actions aligned with sustainable practices in agribusiness. The second part of this collection is composed of a block of six chapters (Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 and Chapter 11) and presents theoretical and practical results of work carried out on issues that derive from the intersection of factors associated with the three pillars represented in the first part of this work - social, environmental and governance. In other words, this block emphasizes the relationship between technological infrastructure and digital transformation along with new forms of diversification of agricultural production and means of marketing and consumption. Its effects affect all the production chain, from increased productivity, the emergence of innovative forms of commercialization and responsible consumption, all of which are fundamental to achieving sustainability. In this part of the work the roles of the main actors directly involved in the dynamics of agri-food production chains are highlighted, namely producers, agro-industries, input suppliers, service providers and final consumers. The search for sustainability extends to all parts of the production chains in agri-food systems and depends on the development of new technological resources and the proposition of innovative practices, which are products generally associated with market agents, as presented in the second part. The third and final part of this work brings together a block containing the last five chapters that address the role of other actors adjacent to the chains, but fundamental to this dynamic, these being: the Government and the Academy. Responsibility for proposing new technologies and innovations that provide sustainability for agri-food systems should not be left solely to the market. On the national scene, public authorities and Universities are extremely relevant to guarantee this dynamic, whether through institutions such as Embrapa, rural extension bodies, research institutes or laboratories located in the country's main Universities. With regard to the public agent, the third part contains two chapters that present discussions on government programs to promote rural development, such as marketing assistance and school meals. Academic responsibility is represented here by three other chapters that bring initiatives from the Postgraduate Program in Agribusiness and Development, from the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, UNESP/Tupã. Thus, the last part of this work consolidates the guiding thread that establishes relationships with the other axes – the fundamental pillars and economic agents, without neglecting the role of the Government and the University, which must act synergistically in function of rural development linked to the SDGs , whether providing scientific evidence for the formulation of public policies, or the relevance of public funding for the research that is carried out. And with this collaborative portfolio of theoretical and practical research, this work takes shape and will continue on the journey of promoting the dissemination of accessible and quality scientific knowledge, valuing the joint efforts of everyone involved in PGAD, whether they are teachers or students. With great gratitude we welcome the important reflections presented here, resulting from studies that converge different scientific domains to contribute interdisciplinary to the evolution of Brazilian agribusiness.
O estresse financeiro e a satisfação no trabalho: uma análise entre agricultores familiares do município de Araçatuba (SP)
As interfaces entre gestão de pessoas, cultura e redes em sistemas agrários
Águas residuais agroindustriais: um dos desafios do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 6
Governança e sustentabilidade em sistemas agroalimentares do cacau e laranja
Educação alimentar e nutricional: uma análise das consequências, estratégias de prevenção e o desenvolvimento escolar
Perdas e desperdícios: estudos de caso no varejo de alimentos
Diversificação agrícola e a resiliência produtiva
Estratégias de comercialização de agricultores familiares que atuam em short food supply chains: casos em regiões do Rio Grande do Sul
Relação entre a infraestrutura de inovação tecnológica e a produtividade na cultura do amendoim
A transformação digital das feiras agropecuárias no Brasil: uma análise sob a ótica de seus organizadores
Para além do empenho do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) nas escolas públicas do município de Tupã (SP) durante a pandemia de Covid-19: impactos no cumprimento dos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável
Contribuições e desafios do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) na promoção de um ambiente alimentar escolar saudável e adequado
A temática dos povos tradicionais dentro do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento: convergências possíveis e produtos importantes
Práticas extensionistas associadas à pesquisa e ao ensino: relato de experiência do Grupo Kamby
Contribuições do Grupo de Pesquisa em Gestão e Educação Ambiental para o diálogo interdisciplinar e a formação socioambiental no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento
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