Digital Curation and Gender in Information Science: access and preservation


Daniel Martínez-Ávila (ed), Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC - Campus de Marília; José Antonio Frías Montoya (ed), Universidade de Salamanca; Maria José Vincentini Jorente (ed), Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC - Campus de Marília; Rosa San Segundo (ed), Universidade Carlos III de Madrid; Stephanie Cerqueira Silva (ed), Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC - Campus de Marília


Curadoria Dados, Gênero, Ciência da Informação, Design, Acesso e Preservação


The world of presences is simulated, presented and represented on digital environments. In the context of digital-virtual communication, and from the recent transformations on their supports, information multimodal collections move to a state in which informational subjects’ access to information can be facilitated and expanded.

In such a universe, represented information and data need conceptual and technical treatments that respect the nature and particularities of the media and languages that transit through them. In addition, as they are processed on a fragile medium such as the digital medium, information encoded on electronic media also needs procedures and curation aimed at its integral preservation.

In Information Science, the set of continuous and iterative procedures aimed at meeting the demands of curation to optimize access and preservation is named Digital Curation: a complex of processes that range from the initial design and conceptualization, to metadata designation, appraisal for preservation or disposal decisions, transformation, access, sharing and re-appraisal of digital objects.

When it comes to gender issues, conditions are more acute as the need for Digital Curation becomes more pressing when we are faced with the dramatic events concerning its multiple territories. In them, information must be processed with the socio-cultural purpose of creating strategies and instruments to overcome numerous challenges and current injustices.

The book Digital Curation and Gender in Information Science: access and preservation addresses, through the combined vision of authors from the national and international panorama, issues concerning some gender issues in the perspective of improvements provided by Digital Curation actions and the particulatiries of preservtion and acces that apply.


This book is the result os discussions and collaborations intiated in 2020, the period one of the organizers was, as a Visiting Professor, at Universidade Carlos III de Madrid, grated by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior - Brasil (Capes), under the Capes-Print Program, No. 88887.310463/2018-00, International Cooperation Project No. 88887.468796/2019-00. We thank Capes for providing the opportunity for meetings with the involved scholars and for funding this collection.

Selo Editorial:

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Biografia do Autor

Andrea Vasconcelos Carvalho

Doctor in Information and Documentation Systems at the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), Master in Information Science and Bachelor in Librarianship at the Federal University of Paraíba. She is
an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. She is interested in Information Science with an emphasis on Information and Knowledge Management, especially in information asset audit, information management, competitive intelligence, content curation and personal information management.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6763-3716

Clara Sainz de Baranda Andújar

Visiting Professor at the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication at the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). PhD from the same institution, through the "Investigación en Medios de Comunicación" program. Graduated in Journalism (UC3M) and in Art History (Complutense University of Madrid). Specialist in production for audiovisual media, from development to distribution.

Cristina Portugal

PhD in Design at PUC-Rio, with an internship abroad at the University of Seville, Spain. Master in Design and Bachelor in Visual Communication at PUC-Rio. She specialized in Graphic Design at the U.C. Berkeley Extension California, USA. She completed her Post-Doctorate in Design at the School of Communication at the Royal College of Art, London. She is currently a Research Fellow at CNPq-PQ2. She has been a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Design and Education (PUC-Rio). She has been Editor of Revista Estudos em Design. She has worked mainly in the areas of Design, Technology, Communication, Information Design, Interaction Design, User Experience, Education and Interdisciplinary.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5515-9594

Daniel Martínez-Ávila, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC - Campus de Marília

Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI) at São Paulo State University (UNESP). Graduated in Library Science and Documentation at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2005), Graduated in Documentation at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2007), Master in Documentation Research at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2009), and International Doctorate at the Official Program of Doctorado en Documentación at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2012). He was Researcher and Adjunct Instructor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwauke until September 2014 and Assistant Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid until September 2013 and since September 2019. He has experience in the area of Information Science, with an emphasis on Information Organization. He is a member of the International Society for Knowlege Organization (ISKO) Scientific Advisory Board. 

ResearcherID: H-8349-2016;
ORCID: 0000-0003-2236-553X;
Scopus ID: 55164743300.

Denise Fukumi Tsunoda

Graduated in Computer Science at the Federal University of Paraná (1992), she holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná
(1996) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics - Biomedical Engineering at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (2004). She is currently a professor at the Federal University
of Paraná for the Information Management course, Department of Science and Information Management. She belongs to the permanent group of reviewers of Revista Produção Online and Revista GEPROS and editorial committee of Revista AtoZ. She works mainly on the following topics: pattern discovery in databases, data mining, evolutionary computation, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and protein information and structure.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5663-4534

Edberto Ferneda

Data Processing Technologist (1985) at the former Bauru Educational Foundation, Master’s in Informatics (1997) at the Federal University of Paraíba – UFPB Campus II, Doctor in Communication
Sciences (Information Science) (2003) at the São Paulo University – USP, Postdoctoral fellow (2013) at the Federal University of Paraíba – UFPB, and Associate Professor in Information Retrieval. He is currently Associate Professor at the Information Science School at São Paulo State University (UNESP/Marília). He works in Information Science, mainly in the areas of Automatic Indexing and Information Retrieval.

CNPq Research Fellow Level 2.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8808-1217

Iana Uliana Perez

PhD student in Design (UNESP), Master’s degree in Design (UFPR), specialist in Strategic Design Management (UEL) and Bachelor in Fashion Design (UEL). She is currently a researcher at the Laboratory and Research Group on Contemporary Design: systems, objects and culture (UNESP) and at the Research Group on Design, Sustainability and Innovation (UEL). She has ten-year experience in research in the area of Design for Sustainability, with an emphasis on Design for Transitions for Sustainability, Bem Viver, open design and zero-waste design. She also has recent teaching experience as a scholarship professor for the undergraduate Design course at UNESP and professor of the graduate course in Fashion, Communication and Market at Unopar.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9219-0363

Jordi Planella Ribera

Graduated in Philosophy and Sciences of Education (1993, University of Barcelona), Diploma of Advanced Studies in Education and Democracy (Universidad de Barcelona, 2002) and Doctor in Pedagogy at the same university (2004). Since 2004 he has been a professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) where since 2012 he has been Catedrático de Pedagogía Social. Among others, he is the author of the books: (2006) Subjectivity, dissidence and disability; (2017) Transgender Pedagogies; (2014) Organic Solidarity; (2007) The monsters; (2017) Body, culture and education.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0463-4177

José Carlos Abbud Gracio

Bachelor in Computer Science (1987) at the State University of Campinas- UNICAMP, Master and Doctor in Information Science (2002, 2011) at the São Paulo State University - UNESP/Marília. He was Director of Informatics at UNESP/Marília (1995 to 2009), member of the Superior Committee for Information Technology at UNESP (2009 to 2016) and president of the Permanent Commission for Digital Preservation of UNESP since 2018. Guest lecturer at the Graduate Program in Information Science at UNESP/Marília. His research interest lies in the area of Information Science with emphasis on Digital Preservation.

ORCID: 0000-0001-7620-1309

José Carlos Magro Junior

Master’s student at the Graduate Program in Design (PPG Design) at the Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication (FAAC/UNESP/Bauru). Specialist in Surface Design (2018) and graduated in Design (2016) at the University of Sagrado Coração (USC/Bauru). Researcher at the Research Group on Contemporary Design: systems, objects, culture (CNPq/UNESP). He is a member of the Laboratory for
Research, Extension and Teaching Contemporary Design (LabDesign). His interests involve sociocultural, historical and political analysis through Design; Contemporary Design; Brazilian Design.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2568-2277

José Antonio Frías Montoya, Universidade de Salamanca

Professor at the University, linked to the Department of Librarianship and Information Science at the University of Salamanca. Doctor in Documentation at the Complutense University of Madrid (1995), he carried out his doctoral dissertation on the structure of information in library catalog databases. Currently, his main lines of research are the application of research methodologies in Information
and Documentation, scientific communication on the social web and studies of gender and sexual diversity. Member of the Advisory Board of several Spanish and foreign specialized magazines. Member of different specialized committees. Guest speaker at different Spanish and foreign universities. He is currently a member of the Junta Gestora de la Plataforma de Centros Universitarios de Estudios Feministas y de Género (EUFEM) and deputy president of the Asociación de Educación
e Investigación en Ciencia de la Información de Iberoamérica y el Caribe (EDICIC). 

ORCID: 0000-0002-5425-8950

Laís Alpi Landim

Doctoral student and Master’s degree in Information Science at the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI) at UNESP/Marilia. She holds a degree in Social Sciences at the same university and a Computer Technician degree at Centro Paula Souza. Member of the Research Group “New Information Technologies” (GPNTI). She has worked as Student Coordinator of the Research Laboratory in Design and Information Retrieval (LADRI), in the Description and Digitization project of paleontologist William Nava’s collection and the Museum of Paleontology of Marília, and as an Alternate Member in the Student Representation of the PPGCI Council. She conducts research in the field of Information Science, Information and Technology with an emphasis on Information Design, e-Health, Health Literacy and Collaborative Web.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9879-6171

Lucinéia da Silva Batista

Doctoral student at São Paulo State University - UNESP/Marília at the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI). Master’s degree at the same program. Member of the Research Group “New Information Technologies” (GPNTI) and collaborator of the Research Laboratory in Design and Information Retrieval (LADRI). She is interested in research on the following topics: Information Science, Information Design, Digital Curation, Social Curation, Collective Approach, Information
Representation, Representation Systems, Access to Memory (AtoM), Digital Museums.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8266-9538

Márcio Guimarães

Doctor in Design (2020) at São Paulo State University – UNESP/Bauru, Master in Design (2014) and Bachelor in Industrial Design (2002), both at the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). He is an adjunct professor at the Department of Design and Technology (DEDET) at the Federal University of Maranhão where he teaches History of Design and History of Art. He is a researcher at the Center for research in Innovation, Design and Anthropology (NIDA) of the UFMA and in the Research Group on Contemporary Design: systems, objects, culture (CNPq/UNESP), where he works in research with emphasis on Inclusive Design, Design for Education and Co-creation. He is currently a member of the Editorial Board of the UFMA (EDUFMA), he contributes as a reviewer to journals Estudos em Design (Online), Design & Tecnologia UFRGS (Online) and Projética UEL (Online) and is a member of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC).

ORCID: 0000-0002-3964-006X

María-Antonia Ovalle-Perandones

PhD in Documentation at the Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain); hired as a PhD professor and, thus, part of the teaching and research team at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain); member of the research group Politecom (Complutense University of Madrid); of the SCImago group and associate researcher at the Salbis group (University of León); with the six-year research periods recognized by
the CNEAI; worked as a documentary filmmaker at Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) and was an archivist at the Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (Spain); fellow in Univerzav Ljubljani (Slovenia), Universität Wien (Austria) and University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom).

ORCID 0000-0002-6149-4724;
ScopusID 25960289300;
ResearchIDs F-8714-2014, J-5909-2012, Q-5144-2019

Maria Cristina Vieira de Freitas

PhD in Librarianship and Documentation at the University of Salamanca (2010), Master in Information Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2003), Specialist in Preservation of Works on Paper at the Federal University of Paraná (1999) and Bachelor in Documentation and Archival Science at the University of Aveiro (2007), and in History at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Language at Cataguases (1992). She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Information Science. She has supervised several master’s thesis, doctoral dissertations and extracurricular internships. She has a registered presence on nearly one hundred Masters, Qualification, Masters/Doctoral consortiums and Doctoral defense boards. She is currently Director of the Master in Information Science (University of Coimbra, 2019 - ), Director of the Archive of the University of Coimbra (2019 -) and member of the Research Center CEIS20 (University of Coimbra), of the ARBIDOC Group (University of León, Spain) and the Teresa Andrés Group (University of Salamanca). The main research interests are archival theories and methods, archival information organization, information and knowledge management and qualitative research (with emphasis on software used for data collection and analysis).

ORCID: 0000-0002-8849-8792

Maria José Vincentini Jorente, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC - Campus de Marília

Visiting Professor at Carlos III in Madrid by CAPES Print. Adjunct Professor and Researcher at São Paulo State University – UNESP/Marília, Department of Information Science. Lecturer in Digital Culture and Post-Custodial Information in Collaboration Networks. Doctor at the Graduate Program in Information Science at the UNESP/Marília. Product Design Specialist. Degree in Arts at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) and in Literature at the of São Paulo University (USP). Researcher in the areas of Information and Technology, Digital Curation, Media, Intersemiotics, Information Design and Gender Issues related to ICTs. Member of the Librarianship and Archival Science council boards and Graduate Council in Information Science at UNESP/Marília. Member of the Research Group “New Information Technologies” (GPNTI). Member of the scientific committee of funding agencies and journals in the area of Information Science.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0492-0918

Marian Blanco-Ruiz

Doctorate in Investigación en Medios de Comunicación at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M, 2018, Cum Laude, International Mention). Degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication (UC3M, 2012). She is currently a professor at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), teaching disciplines in the área of Publicity and Audiovisual Communication. Her research lines focus on Gender Studies, the analysis of gender representations in communication media and new technologies in young people. She coordinates and directs different R+D+i activities such as the International Annual Congress of Young Investigators with a Gender Perspective or the UC3M Permanent Seminar on Gender Violence (both since their creation in 2015/2016). Member of ECREA, Research Group on Gender and Feminism (URJC), PASEET (UC3M), the Instituto Universitario de Estudios de Género (UC3M) and UC3M4Safety, with the latter, she has obtained awards such as the Vodafone Innovation Award (2019), Mención Local Premios 8M (2019) and in 2018 she was a semifinalist in the international XPrize Women’s Safety.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7920-5978

Mariana Cantisani Padua

Postdoctoral fellow (PNDP/CAPES) at the São Paulo State University – UNESP/Marília, Graduate Program in Information Science/ UNESP-PPGCI. Doctorate at the same program. Master in Information
Science at the Federal University of Paraíba. Graduated in Design with specialization in Visual Communication at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás /PUC-GO. Her research interest lies in the following areas: Information Design, Interaction Design, User Experience (User eXperience - UX), Museology, Information Science and Pervasive Information Architecture, researching the practices that enable access to information (accessibility) and its use (usability).

ORCID: 0000-0003-1245-3608

Mirelys Puerta-Díaz

Doctorate at the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI) at the São Paulo State University – UNESP/Marília, in the research line “Information Production and Organization”. Master in Library and Information Science (2016), Bachelor in Library and Information Science (2011), both at the University of Havana. She has held the position of assistant professor at the University of Havana since 2017. PROEX / CAPES Fellow (2018-2022). Member of the international project “Understanding the dynamics of opinion and language using massive data (OpLaDyn) Process #2016/50256-0 by FAPESP, belonging
to the Transatlantic Platform for Social and Human Sciences (T-AP) Digging into Data Challenge. 2nd “MARCELO DASCAL” Prize for Cognitive Science offered by the Brazilian Society of Cognitive Science 2019.

ResearcherID H-2208-2016

ORCID: 0000-0002-2312-2540

Scopus ID do autor: 57211278244

Mônica Moura

Postdoctoral Internship at the University of Minho/Research Center in Textile Technology, Guimarães, Portugal. Post-Doctorate at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Department of Arts & Design. PhD and Master at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Graduate Program in Communication and Semiotics. Bachelor and Licentiate in Arts Education at Belas Artes de São Paulo. Interior Design Technician at ETE Carlos de Campos. Since 2010, she has been a Professor at the the São Paulo State University – UNESP, Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication and Design (FAAC), Department of Design (responsible for the Graphic Workshop and Project III disciplines and final paper supervisor in Graphic Design and Product Design). Currently, she is coordinator of the undergraduate course in Design. She participates in councils and commissions and works for the
Graduate Program. Graduation in Design (as an accredited professor and doctoral and master’s advisor - responsible for the discipline Contemporary Design). She is Coordinator of the Contemporary Design Research, Extension and Teaching Laboratory (LabDesign) and Leader of the Research Group on Contemporary Design: systems, objects, culture (CNPq/UNESP). Ad hoc referee for Brazilian research funding agencies. Founding member of SBDI (Brazilian Society of Information Design), 2002 and ABEPEM (Brazilian Association of Studies and Research in Fashion), 2009, where she worked in the management, organization of scientific events and publications. She works on the following topics of interest and research: Contemporary Design; Design Theory and Criticism; Political and Social Actions in Design (Inclusion, Social Innovation, Sustainability), Memory and Stories, Authorship in Contemporaneity.

ORCID: 0000-0002-9994-6669

Natalia Nakano

Postdoctoral fellow by CNPq at the São Paulo State University – UNESP/Marília, in the Graduate Program in Information Science/UNESP-PPGCI. Doctor and Master at the same program. Member of the Research Group “New Information Technologies” (GPNTI) and collaborator of the Research Laboratory in Design and Information Retrieval (LADRI). Her research interests include Information Science, Information Design and Universal Design to optimize access and accessibility on EaD platforms.

ORCID: 0000-0002-3217-2515

Rosa San Segundo, Universidade Carlos III de Madrid

Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Information and Documentation and president of the Plataforma Universitaria de Estudios Feministas y de Género, and representative of the Instituto de Estudios de Género, she is a specialist in gender equality and violence. Specialized in Classification System, Knowledge Organization and Gender Studies, topics of concern to her research and teaching, with gender violence as one of her main areas of research. She is currently co-IP of the Project “Protección integral de las víctimas de violencia de género mediante computación afectiva multimodal”. She belongs to the board of directors of several NGOs working for equality and against gender violence. Speaker at more than 150 conferences, she has given specialized teaching on Gender Equality and Violence in different institutions, universities, municipal councils, national and international organizations.

ORCID: 0000-0002-1449-8175
Stephanie Cerqueira Silva, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências - FFC - Campus de Marília

Doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI), in the research line Information and Technology at the São Paulo State university -UNESP/Marília. Master’s degree at the same program. She develops research related to the themes of Information Design and multimodal languages on digital environments of women’s museums. Undergraduation in Librarianship at UNESP/
Marília. Bachelor in Social Communication - Publicity and Marketing at Universidade Paulista (Unip). Member of the Research Laboratory in Design and Information Retrieval (LADRI).

ORCID: 0000-0001-7533-496X

Telma Campanha de Carvalho Madio

Graduation in History at PUC/SP, specialization in Archives at IEB/USP, Master’s in History at PUC/SP and PhD in Communication Sciences at ECA/USP. Lecturer in Photographic Document at the São Paulo State University – UNESP/Marília. She is associate professor at UNESP/Marília for Department of Information Science, teaching courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. She works in the lines of research: Information Production and Organization, Information Management and Professional Training with topics related to analog and digital documents: archival organization and identification, photography, audiovisual collections, preservation.

ORCID ID 0000-0002-7031-2371

William Barbosa Vianna

Associate Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Department of Information Science. He is currently Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science (2019-2021) and Coordinator of the Network and Extension Program of the GIC Network: Information and Knowledge Management Network (2019-2024). Field of Knowledge: Information Science. Area of expertise: Interdisciplinary in Information Management. PhD in Production Engineering (2011). Professional Master in Administration (USF, 2004). Master in Production Engineering (UFSC, 2008). Graduation in Human Sciences - Philosophy (UCDB-1989). Areas of interest: (1) Strategic Information Management; (2) Digital Curation; (3) Data Science and Business Intelligence; (4) Assistive Technology and (5) Epistemology & Interdisciplinary Topics in Information Management. He is the leader of the research group on Strategic Information Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Co-supervisor of master’s and doctoral degrees and visiting professor at the 2nd and 3rd Cycle of Information Science at the University of Coimbra - Portugal.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5747-8748



December 15, 2022


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