Produção e compartilhamento de conhecimento científico no contexto nacional de inovação: análise do papel e contribuição da Universidade Pública


Elaine da Silva (ed)
Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Gestão do conhecimento, Inovações tecnológicas, Ciência e tecnologia, Universidades e faculdades, Tecnologia e Estado, Políticas públicas


Considers the hypothesis that the establishment of policies and respective instruments that regulate, incentive and effectively promote the integration among the participating agents of National Innovation Systems is fundamental for the consolidation of the Country innovative development. In this perspective, aims to analyze the reality of researchers who generate scientific knowledge focused on innovation within the public university, especially in what concerns the university's performance as an agent of execution of the National Innovation System, as well as on the contribution of national public policies and institutional policies of Science, Technology and Innovation in relation to the incentive and the promotion of production and sharing of scientific knowledge for the other socioeconomic segments. Therefore, was outlined a research of qualitative nature, characterized as exploratory descriptive. In relation to data collection, was opted to apply surveys to researchers who are active and involved in the innovation generation and management processes of public universities. For the analysis of the data collected, the research method 'Content Analysis' was applied, specifically the 'Categorical Analysis' technique, with categories posteriori defined. The analysis contributed to elucidate fundamental elements related to the university's role in the context of the National Innovation System, and to the contribution of the public policies of Science, Technology and Innovation for the production and sharing of scientific knowledge.



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Author Biography

Elaine da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutora em Ciência da Informação pela Unesp. Atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: Produção de conhecimento; Gestão da informação; Gestão do conhecimento; Geração e gestão de inovação, Políticas públicas de inovação e Sistemas nacionais de inovação.


July 26, 2023

Details about the available publication format: E-book


Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

Details about the available publication format: Impresso


Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
